Thursday, 16 December 2010

Poster Design

I took these pictures for my poster; I got some inspirations from some of the other posters I researched in my blog.

I took two pictures just to make sure the contrast the angle of the shot and the tone was correct. My second Picture will be the one I use for my Poster I think as it has a darker contrast than the first. This would be good for my poster as it will give the effect I want.

Completed Website

I have finished my Website which has many features on it.

Below is a picture of my finished website:

Here is a link to my website in which you can view the whole site.

Videos on The Website

On my website I placed a few videos on to it; I thought this would give the affect of other websites which use multiple videos to advertise their own video. The videos I placed on my website were all thriller films but not all in the same sub genre, some were horror thrillers, others were sociological thrillers, the reasons I chose these were that as my film was a thrillers this would make my film more realistic.

Below are the videos I have placed onto my blog:

Shutter Island-I chose this as it gave a more diversity to the subgenres on my website.

Batman, The Dark Knight-This is a big film and I thought if people saw this they would be more likely to click on my film

Harry Potter-This is another large big film but is more for the younger generation and who looks for this will see my film and click that to view it.

Skyline-A brand new movie which is highly known would be a great advertisement for my website as people who are searching the film will come across my website and see my movie.

Details on The Website

On my website I have placed widgets on website which stand out from other websites. My main feature on my website is the 3D section which shows what films are showing in 3D. The photos slide across to the box it is in to reveal what new movies are coming soon. I used this widget as it looked very attractive and I have not seen any other websites use them, so this makes it unique.
Here is a view of the widget:

When I have finished my poster I would like to place this scrolling widget, I would make it stand out so people would click it to view it. Another widget I have used is to show new trailers coming out. They are hyperlinked so when you click a new video it will show the new link of the video. When I finish filming I will add my trailer as the number one film so that you will always be able to see my film, this will draw attraction to my film making people more likely to view the film. Here is a view on what this widget look like:

Another widget I used on my website that it links to many social websites, for example facebook and twitter, I thought of using this on my website as many young people use facebook and twitter and this would help with the advertising of the film and company. Here is what the like widget looks like:

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Website design

From looking at the websites I have analysed I see that a lot use hyperlinks to link them to other pages such as other trailers and some websites even have games.

I will take this concept of using hyperlinks into my website as this will give diversity and I won’t have so much information onto one webpage.

Hyperlinks on my page,
as over 500million people use facebook and other social sites I saw this as a good opportunity to get my film trailer onto these social sites, below is a picture of my facebook page for my film company

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Starting of the story board

From my brainstorm I thought the ideal film to do would to film a thriller, my reasons for choosing thriller is that I already have filmed a thriller from last year and enjoyed it, and also the thriller industry is very diverse and you can have many genres of thriller.

While thinking of a film, I though why not have taken some ideas from books I have read. I realized when reading the book that using the story line would be ideal for the type of story I would like to base on my film.

I read a book called "Or She Dies"

synopsis of the book:

The American government intrude in to a husband and wife'e life and tries to frame the husband up for a murder. The husband then reacts and unravels a lot more than he can handle with the government.

Starting of the story board

Today i started to come up with ideas and put them into a brainstorm.

Below are some basic ideas I wrote down on paper:

The subheadings are:

With the subheadings i put notes on the differnt type of sub genres that could possible go with the genres.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Analysis of Poster research

From my research of in to posters there is a huge variety of different posters from animated posters to the simple posters with just the name of the movie and release date. The probability that I could create a poster using animation is very unlikely. I could create a poster which has a cartoon picture with great details of the movie or a poster with just the release date and name so then people would look more in to the film and become more interested.

I am starting my design now, taking aspect from other posters, for example having the title or the film large and bold to create attention then just under having the release date, or maybe having a complicated poster with the directors’ name, the production company etc.

I will be using convections like lighting to illuminate my pictures from the poster. The font will be standing out, large so that the audience will be attracted to the poster.

I will be experimenting with many different designs of posters and the way the effect the audience attraction to it.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Research into Movie Websites - Paramount Pictures

Paramount Pictures Website has many features, includeing a drop down menu on the left, trailers in the centre and synopsis of trailer below.
The page its self is very pland with a bright colour on the background then a dark outer parts, so your attention is drawn to it which is rather effective.
The sub heading on the left hyperlink to other pages which then show a trailer of the link, also the link at the top go to other pages.
The features I would like to use in a website of my own ar ethe use of hyper links leading to the trailers.

Research into Movie Websites - disney

The Disney web site is a very complicated website as it has many hyperlinks and many "widgets" which means accessories to the page.
At the top of the page it has many hyperlinks to different pages and the name of their company at the top middle of the page which is a good idea as it brings attention to it.
The centre of the page it has a video that is most to date and either side of it has links that are similar to the links at the top, and the video's are linked the video which will either come up in a pop up or another page.
At the bottom of the page it show details of the page for example small print and contact information.

The convections i would use on my website from this webpage would be video which stands out from the page and draws our attention to it and the scrolling pictures at the bottom of the page which draws your attention to it, and it shows you what movies are on.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Reserch in to Thriller Posters- Underworld

This poster is an animated picture of the main character of the movie standing on the edge of what looks like to be the top of the building with the moon behind her, this is rather symbolic as she is a vampire and they arise at night. The poster shows the title of he film and the release date and the website to see more information on.

The good convection on this poster is that the main character is standing above an entire city; the darkness makes her seem really conspicuous. With the full luminous moon behind her brings her forward from the picture elevating her from the poster. I would like to use this convection in my poster.

Reserch in to Thriller Posters- Funny People

"Funny people" is a very simple poster, as the only content is the actors name the title and release date. Also there is the information of past directors and writers who help contributed to the film.
The image is just the three main actors who are involved in the film and they are just grouping up in the poster.

Looking at aspects of poster analysing the text and font, The title attracts your eyes as it is bold and white on Adam Sandler’s black top, then just above it shows that rest of the details of the film, small print, just below as you look at the title you are drawn to the release date just below the title. I think this would be a good convention to copy in my poster

Reserch in to Thriller Posters- Iron Man

The "iron man" poster is a rather advanced poster with the effects used such as the animation used in creation of the poster. The main composition of the poster shows the main character in the background and then slowly descends down from character to character in their roles. At the top of the poster it is written who the main actors are, then on the poster it shows who the characters are by positioning them on the poster. On the bottom of the poster it shows the directors and companies used to make involved in the making of the film.

The picture show Iron Man at the back towering over all of the rest, this represents him as being more important, this also draws your attention to him. The explosion in the bottom just above the title brings your attention to the title. This would be a good unique feature to put on my poster but not as technical.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Reserch in to Thriller Posters-Trainspotting

The poster shows the five main characters of the film with the striking a pose and nest to them in a square of their name and a number. Splitting the poster in two is the title of the film "trainspotting" this splits the attention from the top and bottom of the poster. At the bottom of the poster is the information of the companies who made it and directors.
In the poster it shows all the main characters in black and white, it stands out on the orange back ground, drawing your attention to poster. I think I would use this in my poster.

Reserch in to Thriller Posters-Frankenstein.

This is an old poster from the late 50's to early 60's. It is drawn by hand and animated as the technology wasn’t around to create high tech posters. The writing of the name stand out from the page as it is larger than the other writing and the colour 'yellow' draws your attention. The picture is of Frankenstein and a woman and in between is the information of the movie e.g. director, actors.
In this poster the font writing the name of the movie stands out from the poster as the colour elevates it from the back of to make it feel as if it coming out of the poster. The picture which shows him towering over making the woman seems petrified. How he wears black makes creates the feeling of fear and power, this would be a good idea to put in my trailer.

Chosen Genre

I have come to a conclusion to what film trailer I am going to make.
I am going to make a thriller trailer because I find it interesting and the way people are drawn into the films and also older audience can watch them as well as the younger generation which are around my age, so I can easily relate to. Also as I made a thriller film last year in my AS course so I have the feel of thriller fresh to mind.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Results Summed Up

From looking at my questionnaire results it is clear that I the majority of people like thriller films, and it’s clear that the most of the people who I surveyed were around my age so they enjoy horrors and thriller films, so I can easily relate to them.

The trailers most people like have seen them advertised from posters, bill boards and trailers either on the internet or on TV.

People like a film trailer that is quick and not to long that reveals too much in the trailer. The average time is between 90seconds and 2minutes. So I looked into film trailers and most are between 1minute and 2 minutes.

As most people surveyed liked horror and thrillers, it is clear that majority of the music in the trailers will be the same, so the survey show that the most numbers in music were in fast and tension music.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Questionnaire Results

I have summed up all of my questionnaire and have put the results into pie charts, this took a long time but was done over time.
From these results i will deside my genre of film. It was very close between all the genres, but horror and thriller were the biggest contestants.

I then got a good range of age, roughly equal in all age ranges, for example under 12 year olds did my questioaire more than 50+. The largest range of people surveyed was 18-22year olds, this is because i gave a lot to people i know who are between 18 and 22.

I surveyed more males from females in the questionnaires, but I tried to get it as equal as possible to make it a fair survey.

The duration of the was surveyed and from my results its a big show that most trailers are between 1minute and a half and up to 2 minutes. So this is good as the majoprity of films are between 1minute ane 2 minutes.

In a lot of movies you hear a vioce over so i took this in and put it on the questionaire and the resluts are very clear. I looked at some trailers and some had voice overs but the larger part of trailers i lookes didn't have voice overs.

I believe that music in trailers can entise the audicane to see the movie more, so i put this in my questioaire, and from my results it shows that the best music for thriller genre should be fast and have some tension in it, as the results show.

The get the film out so the public can see what i would be advertising i put ion my questionare how they would find out about the movie. The people i serveyed had seen movies mostly advertised on billboards, posters, by word of mouth and by trailers.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Sample questionnaire


I have just started my questionnaire and am now giving them out to the students of my school and also people out of school for a larger result. I am currently giving out 50 copies in school and am going to give out 30 out of school, bring the total to 80 questionnaires. I think this is a big enough sample. Here is a sample of my questionnaire

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Venn Diagram

This diagram represents the different genres of films and what they all have in common. This is part of my research.

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Research on each films

Research in to films.
I'm going to look in to each film individually

Indiana Jones, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

The trailer shows the adventure of an archaeologist who is on a quest to uncover the secret of the crystal skull, whilst on his journey he uncovers secrets of his life and his son.
He uncovers a civilisation of an ancient culture further than any other man has searched before.

This is typical adventure movie, showing some of the action films, also it shows all the characters of who are in the films.

Secondly ACTION
The Bourne Ultimatum

The third in trilogy, this movie show the life of a man who has had his memory wiped by the government and is following steps to uncover why they have done this to him. On his journey he finds help to uncover the government.

A typical action film, showing the majority of the action scenes, also it show the life of there character so that you can see what he is going through.
What I like about the trailer is that the scenes are really well shot, good quality

Shutter Island

a fantasy sci-fi thriller that shows a detective that goes to a high security mental prison and gets drawn by devilish forces, he trys to fight his way out after becoming one of the prisoners.

The thing that all these films have in common is that they are all produced by major companies with large budgets, so the disadvantage of making this film will be that i don't have the funding for these type of movies, so I won’t make a good as quality film.

Monday, 21 June 2010

first post

This is my first rough post on describing what I am planning to do during my A2 media course.


-firstly I am going to plan my story board of my movie trailer.
-is going to be based on, genre wise
-then once that is decided I will create a basic story line for the movie
-then from that I can create the story board for the trailer and how it will look
-from that I will start to film my trailer
-once I have filmed I will start my editing adding music and effects.

Designing the website.

-use a rough draft of a website page of what I have designed
-fill in the web page with the information needed and relevance
-post links to my website to my blog

Designing the poster.

-I will give my poster a rough draw
-make it appealing to all audiences
-edit my poster where needed
-computerise my poster to be able to blow up to a large scale