Monday, 27 September 2010

Reserch in to Thriller Posters- Underworld

This poster is an animated picture of the main character of the movie standing on the edge of what looks like to be the top of the building with the moon behind her, this is rather symbolic as she is a vampire and they arise at night. The poster shows the title of he film and the release date and the website to see more information on.

The good convection on this poster is that the main character is standing above an entire city; the darkness makes her seem really conspicuous. With the full luminous moon behind her brings her forward from the picture elevating her from the poster. I would like to use this convection in my poster.

Reserch in to Thriller Posters- Funny People

"Funny people" is a very simple poster, as the only content is the actors name the title and release date. Also there is the information of past directors and writers who help contributed to the film.
The image is just the three main actors who are involved in the film and they are just grouping up in the poster.

Looking at aspects of poster analysing the text and font, The title attracts your eyes as it is bold and white on Adam Sandler’s black top, then just above it shows that rest of the details of the film, small print, just below as you look at the title you are drawn to the release date just below the title. I think this would be a good convention to copy in my poster

Reserch in to Thriller Posters- Iron Man

The "iron man" poster is a rather advanced poster with the effects used such as the animation used in creation of the poster. The main composition of the poster shows the main character in the background and then slowly descends down from character to character in their roles. At the top of the poster it is written who the main actors are, then on the poster it shows who the characters are by positioning them on the poster. On the bottom of the poster it shows the directors and companies used to make involved in the making of the film.

The picture show Iron Man at the back towering over all of the rest, this represents him as being more important, this also draws your attention to him. The explosion in the bottom just above the title brings your attention to the title. This would be a good unique feature to put on my poster but not as technical.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Reserch in to Thriller Posters-Trainspotting

The poster shows the five main characters of the film with the striking a pose and nest to them in a square of their name and a number. Splitting the poster in two is the title of the film "trainspotting" this splits the attention from the top and bottom of the poster. At the bottom of the poster is the information of the companies who made it and directors.
In the poster it shows all the main characters in black and white, it stands out on the orange back ground, drawing your attention to poster. I think I would use this in my poster.

Reserch in to Thriller Posters-Frankenstein.

This is an old poster from the late 50's to early 60's. It is drawn by hand and animated as the technology wasn’t around to create high tech posters. The writing of the name stand out from the page as it is larger than the other writing and the colour 'yellow' draws your attention. The picture is of Frankenstein and a woman and in between is the information of the movie e.g. director, actors.
In this poster the font writing the name of the movie stands out from the poster as the colour elevates it from the back of to make it feel as if it coming out of the poster. The picture which shows him towering over making the woman seems petrified. How he wears black makes creates the feeling of fear and power, this would be a good idea to put in my trailer.

Chosen Genre

I have come to a conclusion to what film trailer I am going to make.
I am going to make a thriller trailer because I find it interesting and the way people are drawn into the films and also older audience can watch them as well as the younger generation which are around my age, so I can easily relate to. Also as I made a thriller film last year in my AS course so I have the feel of thriller fresh to mind.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Results Summed Up

From looking at my questionnaire results it is clear that I the majority of people like thriller films, and it’s clear that the most of the people who I surveyed were around my age so they enjoy horrors and thriller films, so I can easily relate to them.

The trailers most people like have seen them advertised from posters, bill boards and trailers either on the internet or on TV.

People like a film trailer that is quick and not to long that reveals too much in the trailer. The average time is between 90seconds and 2minutes. So I looked into film trailers and most are between 1minute and 2 minutes.

As most people surveyed liked horror and thrillers, it is clear that majority of the music in the trailers will be the same, so the survey show that the most numbers in music were in fast and tension music.