Monday 13 September 2010

Results Summed Up

From looking at my questionnaire results it is clear that I the majority of people like thriller films, and it’s clear that the most of the people who I surveyed were around my age so they enjoy horrors and thriller films, so I can easily relate to them.

The trailers most people like have seen them advertised from posters, bill boards and trailers either on the internet or on TV.

People like a film trailer that is quick and not to long that reveals too much in the trailer. The average time is between 90seconds and 2minutes. So I looked into film trailers and most are between 1minute and 2 minutes.

As most people surveyed liked horror and thrillers, it is clear that majority of the music in the trailers will be the same, so the survey show that the most numbers in music were in fast and tension music.