Saturday 2 October 2010

Research into Movie Websites - Paramount Pictures

Paramount Pictures Website has many features, includeing a drop down menu on the left, trailers in the centre and synopsis of trailer below.
The page its self is very pland with a bright colour on the background then a dark outer parts, so your attention is drawn to it which is rather effective.
The sub heading on the left hyperlink to other pages which then show a trailer of the link, also the link at the top go to other pages.
The features I would like to use in a website of my own ar ethe use of hyper links leading to the trailers.

Research into Movie Websites - disney

The Disney web site is a very complicated website as it has many hyperlinks and many "widgets" which means accessories to the page.
At the top of the page it has many hyperlinks to different pages and the name of their company at the top middle of the page which is a good idea as it brings attention to it.
The centre of the page it has a video that is most to date and either side of it has links that are similar to the links at the top, and the video's are linked the video which will either come up in a pop up or another page.
At the bottom of the page it show details of the page for example small print and contact information.

The convections i would use on my website from this webpage would be video which stands out from the page and draws our attention to it and the scrolling pictures at the bottom of the page which draws your attention to it, and it shows you what movies are on.